Dari +19724******
2 tahun yang lalu
Hey Evens, we hope your shift experience has been well. Your shift has now ended; be sure to properly log out of the Interviewer site, the Global Protect VPN, and clock out of the Shiftsmart app at this time.
Dari +18177******
2 tahun yang lalu
Hi Evens - Quick reminder. Once your shift is over, please check-out in the Shiftsmart app. This will help avoid payment delays. Thank you! Shift Details: My First Shift: Survey Calls Anywhere 7/26/22, 5:30pm - 7/26/22, 10:00pm
Dari +18177******
2 tahun yang lalu
Thank you for working with us, Evens! Your shift is ending shortly. Please make sure to check-out in the Shiftsmart app once you're done for the day. Shift Details: My First Shift: Survey Calls Anywhere 7/26/22, 5:30pm - 7/26/22, 10:00pm
Dari +19724******
2 tahun yang lalu
You are spending an excessive amount of time in Wrap & Break time. If we do not see an immediate improvement, we will need to ask you to log out for the evening.
Dari Ello
2 tahun yang lalu
Hello Team, let's look for FEMALES only tonight!
Dari +19724******
2 tahun yang lalu
Hi Evens, Dynata is monitoring and has reported the following issue: Not on Task. Please make sure to dial and dispose quickly and stay on task during shift. Here is the specific feedback we received from Dynata: "did not deliver intro-14071305 took time to dial and disposition samples not on mute(watching) enable wifi"
Dari 38785******
2 tahun yang lalu
Your 3rd Kroger job arrived, view here. - pjobs.co/u/18PS9
Dari Ello
2 tahun yang lalu
Hello Team Important Message! Please manually click on version A
2 tahun yang lalu
Hey Evens, Dynata is flagging partners for falsification. Please don't let if be you next. See the definition of falsification below. The definition of Falsification is: answering questions without a respondent on the line answering questions for the respondent/assuming answers. skipping questions reading questions incorrectly/ paraphrasing the script If any of these things occur it will be flagged as Falsification and can result in being removed from the shift and project platform. The client listens to every call for quality assurance in order to maintain high standards. All submitted surveys are reviewed for accuracy. The Monitoring Disclosure MUST BE READ on each call.. This is a legal statement and a requirement of the project. "This call may be monitored or recorded for quality assurance purposes."
Dari Ello
2 tahun yang lalu
Hello again, Evens - Your Dynata shift is starting in a few minutes. Please check-in in the Shiftsmart app now. Have a great shift! Shift Details: My First Shift: Survey Calls Anywhere 7/26/22, 5:30pm - 7/26/22, 10:00pm

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